Thank you for this piece. Thank you also, of course, for your expert work against the evil monster Chevron and for the people of Ecuador.

What has been done to you by the US "legal" system is right out of a Kafka novel. Horrible beyond belief, but very indicative of what this country is actually about: utter corruption, injustice and corporatocracy.

Everyone in the US should be taught your story to puncture once and for all their unjustified rosy illusions about the "leader of the free world". This country is the most dangerous entity by far in the world today, and what has been done to you is but one small symptom of the larger picture.

All thinking people are with you all the way. Keep up the good fight!

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It is very wise of you to write about this as it is a way to work through the trauma that you experienced. And it allows me, a complete stranger, to sense what you saw, heard and felt and so I no longer feel a stranger. I hope you will write a book. Thank you for your courage.

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Dear Steven,

I read your post sitting in my loungeroom in Taroona, Tasmania (Australia).

I wished that what I was reading was an excellent crime novel: fiction, not an account of persistent and malign injustice seeking to wipe away a just outcome.

Too many Australians also tolerate legislated persecution of honest, decent people who stand against corporate-state collusion in crime. However we also have significant and increasing resistance from independent politicians. Julian Assange, Witness K and his lawyer Bernard Collaery, David McBride are needing support from Australians. You may be interested in Bernard Collaery's book, Oil Under Troubled Water. Australia's Timor Sea Intrigue.

Thank you for the encouragement your conviction and willingness to suffer for the sake of others. It is good.

Jo-Anne Kelder

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The American government and American people need to look at your life experience with Chevron, and decide without a doubt who they want to be. Do they want to embrace the values and actions of the people in Chevron, or do they want to embrace the values, morals and actions of a Human Rights lawyer and activist. At my end I choose you.

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17/5 very grateful to you Mr Donziger for this important testimony of prison system+what it does to an innocent man. I also think of J. Assange whose extradition to US is being decided upon on 18/5. I will follow your work. Honour to you! No justice, no peace.

Magda,, Belgium.

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I am very glad that you are a free man and are able to share the terror and strangeness of the world you were sent to. It would be so hard for such an experience not to put a very large dent in your soul.

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Thank you for sharing this, it feels real . The frightening part is that you were innocent and still you ended up in jail 🙄

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Thank you Steven for this detailed account. Keep up the great work and God bless you.

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Dear Steven, I have been following your story from the beginning. I hate what they did to you. My stomach hurts just reading this. Keep writing. Keep fighting.

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